As a Tantra Counselor, Reiki Practitioner, and Adult Sex Educator- I believe that Tantra is part of the sacred art of living. Having been in practice for more than a decade, I have worked with individuals, couples, groups, workshops, corporate workshops and classes--including the co-creation and co-facilitation of the Women's Sensual Soirée, a previous monthly gathering in NYC.
My educational background and training includes :
* 200+ hours Tantra Counselor Training
* Non Violent Communication Training w/ Kelly Bryson
* Basic Principles of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and Timeline Therapy
* 50+ hrs of training as a Facilitator of Adult Sex Education,(including:communication, consent & safety practices, kink supportive practices)
* Emotional Release Techniques (and Anatomy) of the Pelvis
* Extensive training in numerous meditative techniques, including: the Osho Meditations, Guided Visual Meditaitons and Vipasana Meditation.
My primary vision is to create a deeply nourishing and grounding environment where you are safe to explore your own growth and healing through knowledge, information, presence, curiosity, self- exploration, and a deep sense of play.